About China Energy Efficiency Promotion Initiative
China Energy Efficiency Promotion Initiative (Abbr. CEEPI) was initiated by MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) , WB (the World Bank) and GEF (Global Environment Facility), which was a promotion project for China industrial enterprises to develop the energy management system and capacity building. The project is composed by four component: 1) policy research: Based on the analysis of energy management policy system for domestic and overseas industrial enterprise and of energy management situation for China's industrial enterprises, provides policy recommendations for national industrial energy conservation department on improvement of energy management system and capability for the industrial enterprises; 2) capacity building for engergy managers: establishing the systems of energy management positions and administors for industrial enterprises, developing the standarded training scheme and materials, depended on the existing local energy center and training organization to build up the training demonstration base for engergy management administrators to strengthen the capability building and offering the training to engergy management administrators; 3) implementation of demonstration projects: promoting the improvement of energy management level for industrial enterprises and continuous improvement of energy management performance by carrying out the capability building of energy management for key energy-intensive and energy-consumptive industries; 4) publicity and promotion: establishing the promotion mechanism for the relevant competent authorities and industry association to provide the enterprises with the relevant information and increase of energy-saving awareness, carrying out the promotion activities to improve the awareness and level of energy management for industrial enterprises. This project started from Oct, 2011 and will last 4 years.
As the support organization of the administration office which is appointed by MIIT and WB, CQM has been providing important support for the project.